How To Relieve Constipation in Pregnancy

How To Relieve Constipation in Pregnancy

Table of Contents Navigating Constipation in Pregnancy Experiencing constipation is a common, albeit uncomfortable, part of pregnancy for many. With symptoms ranging from difficult and painful defecation to the sensation of incomplete evacuation, it’s an issue that can significantly impact your daily comfort and quality of life. Understanding why constipation occurs during pregnancy can help […]

What You Can Do About Breast Tenderness in Pregnancy?

What You Can Do About Breast Tenderness in Pregnancy

Understanding What Causes Breast Tenderness in Pregnancy Pregnancy brings a myriad of changes to your body, and for many, breast tenderness is one of the earliest signs that baby is on board. Starting as soon as four to six weeks after your last menstrual period (LMP), this discomfort is perfectly normal and is primarily due […]

How to Alleviate Back Pain in Pregnancy

How to Alleviate Back Pain in Pregnancy

Table of Contents Back Pain in Pregnancy Back pain is a common pregnancy discomfort, largely due to changes in the body caused by hormonal shifts, notably progesterone and relaxin. These hormones soften the connective tissues, including ligaments and joints. As pregnancy progresses, the body’s center of gravity shifts, leading to adjustments in posture that can […]

How to Relieve Common Pregnancy Discomforts

How To Relieve Common Pregnancy Discomforts

Pregnancy is an incredible time of change, both physically and emotionally. Many expectant individuals experience various discomforts that, while usually normal and temporary, can greatly affect their daily routines. As your body makes room for your growing little one, you might face numerous physical discomforts. These discomforts stem from the natural hormonal changes and adjustments […]

Discovering Homeopathy as a Student Midwife

Discovering Homeopathy (1)

Learning Homeopathy as a student midwife As I delved into my course on homeopathy at the Midwives College of Utah as a student midwife, I embarked on a journey that has not only deepened my understanding of this holistic approach to healthcare but also sparked a profound fascination with its core concepts. (Want to learn more […]

Evidence Informed Practice in Midwifery: Striking the Balance Between Intuition and Research

Evidence-Informed Practice in Midwifery

Table of Contents The field of midwifery, as ancient as human civilization itself, has seen an exponential growth in knowledge with the rise of modern medicine. While it is imperative for all medical professionals, including midwives, to stay abreast of the latest findings in evidence-based practice, doing so can be challenging. First, the practical restraints […]

The Pregnancy Glucose Test

pregnancy glucose test

Table of Contents As an expecting or new parent, your journey is going to be filled with countless new experiences and milestones. One of which is the pregnancy glucose test which you may have heard about from friends and family who have previously been pregnant. This crucial test is performed during pregnancy to screen for […]

The Power of Iron in Pregnancy: Fueling You and Your Baby

The Power of Iron in Pregnancy

Table of Contents Pregnancy is a transformative journey filled with countless changes and demands on your body. Among the many essential nutrients needed during this time, iron stands out as a key player in supporting both your well-being and the development of your baby. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of iron in […]

Comfort Measures for Labor and Birth

comfort measures for labor and birth

Table of Contents  As you start to prepare for the arrival of your baby, it’s important to familiarize yourself with helpful comfort measures that can help you cope with the sensations and challenges of labor and birth. This is my guide for expecting parents and support people on different techniques and strategies that can enhance […]

How to prepare for breastfeeding while pregnant

How to prepare for breastfeeding during pregnancy

Table of Contents Breastfeeding and chestfeeding is an important aspect of early parenthood that requires preparation and planning. While you are pregnant, you may want to start thinking about how to prepare for breastfeeding to ensure a successful and enjoyable experience for both you and your baby. Here are some tips on how to prepare […]