My Student Midwife Journey – All Signed Up For My First Classes!

My student midwife journey Classes

Becoming a Midwife has been a dream of mine for such a long time. I am still mind blown that after all of the hard work, determination, and birth work lessons that I have learned over the last seven years that I am finally beginning midwifery school. I want to share my journey as a […]

Essential Oils for Labor and Delivery

Essential Oils for labor and delivery

How do you use essential oils for labor and delivery? Essential oils are one of my most used tools in my doula bag when I am supporting doula families at births. There are so many ways to use essential oils in a labor and delivery room, birth center, or home birth setting. In this blog, […]

Is it Pregnancy Brain or a Lack of Choline?

choline in pregnancy

What is Choline? Feeling that pregnancy or ‘mom/parent brain’ extra hard recently? You could be lacking choline in your diet! Choline is a nutrient that is found in many foods. Your brain and nervous system need it to regulate memory, mood, muscle control, and other functions.  It is considered an essential brain building nutrient for […]

5 Reasons Child Birth Classes are a Game Changer

Child Birth Classes edmond

Child birth classes are an amazing way to become informed about your options during birth as well as the physiological process of birth. When we understand what is happening to our body when birthing a baby, we are less likely to feel fearful. This prevention of fear can keep you from entering the ‘Fear Pain […]

Benefits of N.O.R.A. Pregnancy Tea

pregnancy tea

Table of Contents What is NORA Pregnancy Tea? So what is N.O.R.A tea? N.O.R.A. stands for nettles, oat straw, red raspberry leaf, and alfalfa. This fantastic pregnancy tea (any time of life tea really) is a powerful way to naturally supplement your body with nutrients through food.  Each ingredient of NORA pregnancy tea is super […]

5 Guidelines for Safe Baby Wearing

safe baby wearing

What are the guidelines for safe baby wearing? You have probably heard several different rules about how to baby wear properly. It may seem like a lot to keep track of, especially if you are a new parent. Yet, there is a simple way to remember safe baby wearing guidelines! Just tick off the  ‘T.I.C.K.S’ […]

Newborn Hunger Cues, One helpful way to prevent crying

newborn hunger cues okc doula

Crying is a form of communication I think one important thing to remember when you are in the thick of the fourth trimester, or parenting in general, is that crying is a form of communication for your little one.  Your sweet little one just recently entered this big, huge world! Hunger is a brand new […]

My top 4 favorite Essential Oils for labor and Birth

Essential Oils for Birth

As an OKC Doula, student midwife, and midwifery assistant, I use essential oils for labor because they can be powerful tools.  There is evidence from several different studies that suggest that aromatherapy can help in relieving anxiety and pain during labor for laboring parents. If you are interested in reading these studies, I have listed […]

Training to Become an OKC IBCLC

Training to Become an OKC IBCLC

Ever since I have become a doula, I have also wanted to learn as many skills as possible to support and empower the families I have the honor of serving in my community! As a first time mother, I suffered through a lot of discomfort and misinformation from well-meaning family and friends that I do […]

New Hospital Guidelines – Vaccinated Doula

Oklahoma City Hospital Doula Restrictions OKC Vaccinated Doula

If you are planning a hospital birth in Oklahoma City, there is a good chance that you have heard about the new changes in visitor policy. Over the summer, doulas were able back into labor and delivery rooms to support their doula families again. Yet, with hospitals experiencing a new rise in Covid, the restrictions […]