An Update on our Cream Legbar Rooster

This weekend, we went to let our roosters out to free range and found that my favorite rooster, Noodle, had passed away over night. I adored this sweet feathery Cream Legbar boy. It is hard to lose an animal that you raised from being a fluffy little chick into a spunky rooster. Plus, because he […]
Oklahoma Family Hike in the Wichita Mountains
Last year, my family and I adventured out to the Wichita Mountains to hike up Baldy Point. My husband had previously been to the Wichita mountains before as a Boy Scout or with the Norman Medieval Festival group so he was familiar with the park. This was the kids and my first time out to […]
Homeschool Learning Flow – The Louvre
I get a lot of questions about homeschooling from friends and family. They are mostly regarding ‘How do you do it?” or “How do you know what to study?”. Some homeschool families are much more structured in comparison to how I teach. In general, I am a more go-with-the-flow parent, especially after having three kiddos. […]
Keeping Backyard Chickens in Oklahoma
Our Lavender Ameraucana, Olive Egger, Easter Egger, and Rhode Island Red Hens during their first winter For the LONGEST time I have dreamed of owning and caring for my own flock of backyard chickens! In 2020, my husband made a Massive dream of ours come true and bought our dream house in a city of […]
Spring is On it’s Way to Our Urban Homestead
A Quick Update on our Urban Homestead I don’t know about you, but I am ready for the spring! Oklahoma has been teasing us with beautiful 70 degree days and then suddenly drops it’s temps into the 20s and below. We have ad several weeks of 70 degree weather with snow the next day already […]
Blossom and Root Homeschool Year
Our disappointment with Epic Charter Schools My kiddos have been homeschooled their entire school career. Until recently we used Epic Charter Schools for our school basics. Epic seemed like a great option for our kids initially because they paid for all of their curricculum, extracuricculars, and learning supplies. Yet, every year it began to become […]
Pride on the Plaza 2020
Pride on the Plaza 2020 Event This Friday, the Oklahoma City Plaza District is throwing a Pride on the Plaza Event to celebrate Pride! The Thrive Mama Collective invited the Kaleidoscope LGBTQ+ Family Support Group to set up at the TMC store for the event. We will be creating rainbow crown crafts with kiddos in […]
Kaleidoscope OKC LGBTQ Family Support Group
My experience as a member of an LGBTQ family This article about the OKC LGBTQ Family support group was written for MetroFamily Magazine by Jenni Jenkins and was originally posted on the the Oklahoma City Metro Family Magazine website in April 2021. You can find the original on the MFM website Here When I was growing […]
How to care for your Rubber Tree Plant
How to Care for your Rubber Tree PLant The Rubber tree plant is also known as the ficus elastica, rubber fig, rubber bush, rubber plant, or Indian rubber bush, & Indian rubber tree. These plants have beautiful, broad shiny, oval leaves.I think that it is important to know a house plant’s native country so you […]
How to Care for your Dracaena Plant
How to Care for your Dracaena Plant What is a Dracaena Plant? The Dracaena Plant, also known as the ‘Song of India’, ‘Corn plant’, or ‘Pleomele’, is a member of the Asparagus family & is native to Madagascar and the islands of the Indian Ocean. Dracaena plants get their name from the ancient Greek word drakaina […]